What We Do
When children lose one or both parents to war, health issues, accidents and natural disasters they lose hope in humanity. Life’s Orphan Sponsorship program provides renewed hope to orphaned children in Ghana, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. Helping to support the life of an orphan is one of the best ways of providing charity.
When you sponsor an orphan, you will be giving a young orphaned boy or girl the means to survive by providing them with food, clothing, health services, an education, school uniforms, shoes, backpacks filled with stationary and holiday gifts. As soon as you sponsor an orphan, you will receive a profile with a photo of your child and each year you will get an updated photo, school report and personal letter from your orphan.
Life’s orphan holiday gift program helps you to provide an orphaned child with a gift of new clothes, shoes and a toy for the holidays.
Through Life’s general orphans fund you can give an orphan a onetime gift or a child living in an orphanage food, clothing, education and healthcare.